For those of you working towards a degree, a job, a business, a certain person, or a particular goal this was one of the hardest lessons I had to learn.
There is no such thing as an overnight success, or “getting lucky”, you create your own luck through hard work and sacrifice. And for those of you that hit a breaking point don’t stop, instead, take a break, refocus and keep at it. I believe in you and I assure you it’s worth it when you fully arrive!
This is what I’ve always truly believed in. Nothing worth having comes easy. It took me at least 7 years to be where I am today. 7 years to be on multiple newspaper articles, magazines, invited guest speaker in a conference, featured on a conference, radio, podcasts, and national tv. What they didn’t know was the EFFORT & PROCESS that it took me to where I am today.
In fact, it took me loads of reading, looking out for mentors, trials and errors, seminars, grit, guts, faith, confidence, and even failures to reach where I am today.
Trust me, it’s not going to be easy. But I believe in YOU. I believe you can and will succeed as long as you are willing to open up your mind and change your paradigm and mindset about life and success. The choice is yours to take. But here’s the catch: “Are you willing to go for it?”