“It was my intention, my commitment, that even if a door was closed I would bang on it, I would break the door, or I would get in through the window. There was no way that I would not make that happen.” Anastasia Soare
If you’ve got a dream, you’ve gotta work hard on it and protect it. No matter what, there should never be a plan B. Just like what Chris Gardner said: “Plan B sucks.” Always. Literally. If you want the Lamborghini, work on it. If you want to be an author, learn and then do it.
In my opinion, never compare with others for you’ll never be truly satisfied. Instead, compare with your past.

An example would be: 7 years ago, I lost both my full-time job and my ex-girlfriend within a span of 2-3 weeks time. Instead of being sorry for myself, I chose the path to be more successful in 3-5 years’ time. Within 2-3 months’ time, I found myself a full-time job as a psychiatric nurse and I was motivating many students in secondary schools accompanied by my then mentor, David King Raj. My story was also out on The Straits Times and IMH publication plus being invited on stage as a guest speaker during IMH case manager‘s week in 2014.

A year later, I was the runner-up for the prestigious Star Award for my hospital. I was nominated for the Singapore Patient Caregiver Award and being featured in the Patient Care Giver Seminar. In 2016, I was awarded the Star Award and it was featured on various news channels on the TV. I was also given the opportunity to study Advance Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health) at Nanyang Polytechnic.

In 2017, my story was featured on 93.8 Live’s A Slice of Life (https://soundcloud.com/official938live/a-slice-of-life-hour-rayson-choo?in=official938live/sets/a-slice-of-life) and I was given the opportunity to kick start the YOLT movement x Scape Talks: The Resilience Series (I’m really grateful for Miss Elim Chew’s support and presence during the talk. I really appreciate it.).

They used to call me stupid for working so hard and smart. Now they call me lucky. No-one will understand the long nights I put in. The risks I took to get to where I am at. Let them talk. You can’t hear them from the clouds at the top. What you will hear is your family thanking you for the sacrifices you made for them.

So many people will say that your chances of being a successful athlete, photographer, artist, entrepreneur, or whatever else you want to be are slim to none. Don’t listen to them, if someone else has done it, then you can too.
The big difference is what separates those that aren’t successful from those that are. The chances could be 1/1,000,000 but people who are successful looks at what’s at the top, not what’s on the bottom.
Remember: Continuous improvement is much better and wiser than criticizing others. To be part of the 1%, you must be willing to do what 99% are not willing to do.
See you at the top!